Loan Signing Agent
Signing agents are notaries public, who usually have experience and/or training concerning the proper execution of loan documents and are hired by mortgage companies, escrow companies, title companies, and signing services to identify loan documents, obtain the necessary signatures, and in some cases deliver the ...
Remote Online Notary (RON)
With remote notarization, a signer personally appears before the Notary at the time of the notarization using audio-visual technology over the internet instead of being physically present in the same room. Remote online notarization is also called webcam notarization, online notarization or virtual notarization.
Mobile & In-Person Notary
As official representatives of the state, Notaries Public certify the proper execution of many of the life-changing documents of private citizens — whether those diverse transactions convey real estate, grant powers of attorney, establish a prenuptial agreement, or perform the multitude of other activities that enable our civil society to function.
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Blair is an Accredited Buyer's Representative with over 15 years of experience as a real estate broker in Seattle. Whether you are a buying your first or you are a seasoned home buyer, you can rely on Blair to represent your best interests as a home buyer.